Our company is best practice in climate protection & sustainability

Ecology and economy do not contradict each other - they belong together!
Condensator Dominit GmbH is the world market leader in “Active voltage stabilization and harmonic filters in industrial processes”. In 2020, it built a new factory building on a former industrial wasteland in Brilon-Wald that meets the latest energy and construction standards. For example, a photovoltaic system on the roof provides most of the company’s own energy. This power is also used to operate the heat exchanger in the building, which draws the cold in summer and the heat in winter from the neighbouring Hoppecke stream to supply the entire building with space heating or cooling via underfloor heating. The result is complete independence from all fossil fuels in the entire building thermal system. During power peaks, the company only purchases certified green electricity. As a further structural measure to make optimum use of energy in all areas of the new building throughout the day, LED lighting technology combined with intelligent Sustainable Smart Industry control was installed throughout the new building.
To get the workforce involved in the company’s sustainability drive, managing partner Dr Christian Dresel offers all employees a small e-company car. Condensator Dominit provides the electricity for these vehicles free of charge to its employees (as well as its business customers, of course) at the company’s two parking lot e-charging stations. Further charging stations, to expand climate neutrality, are already being planned in the process.
Another important factor in the overall sustainability of a company is the social aspect, which must never be forgotten. A company premises designed for accessibility including all related infrastructures. An important tool to increase the active participation of all Condensator Dominit employees. The employees can be sure that in the worst case, or if the worst comes to the worst, the company will provide a handicapped accessible space regardless of the floor.
Condensator Dominit expands the large field of climate protection with the buzzword of biodiversity. Biodiversity in harmony with the environment and industry. To this end, a wildflower meadow and a wild field for grazing wild animals were recently created at the company’s own expense on the green spaces of the plant premises in the Brilon-Wald district, together with a local school and the local village association. Dr. Dresel is already considering whether there is further sustainability potential to be realized on the facade and roof surfaces of the industrial building or in the neighboring historic vinegar tower.
In terms of energy, Germany as an industrial location, or rather the European interconnected grid – in the long term – is mainly powered by a mix of renewable energies such as solar, wind, water, biomass and hydrogen. The combination of these technologies leads – from an electrotechnical point of view – to local distortions of the voltage in the supply network.
As a consequence, production processes that are then powered by renewables can be highly susceptible to faults. Avoiding this is one of the main fields of activity of Condensator Dominit GmbH. The correction or filtering of voltage distortions in industrial processes. With their equipment, which also reaches living room size, the voltage in highly complicated industrial processes is regulated and secured to conform to standards.
The sum of all the aforementioned aspects reflects that consistency and sustainability are important to the company.
Consistency is an important principle for managing partner Dr. Dresel in all aspects of the company’s management: “We cannot want to convince our customers to buy the most energy-saving equipment possible and not pay attention to energy conservation ourselves. We cannot be in favour of the energy turnaround and then do nothing in our own company. We can’t tell our employees that we respect them and then accept that the indoor climate is less than ideal in a new building. You can’t claim to be in favour of the integration of all people in this country and then save the few euros needed for toilets suitable for the disabled in a new building. You can’t talk about respecting your fellow man and then deny truck drivers a toilet.
Business owners like to demand that their communities give them sufficient responsibility and freedom … but then they are also responsible for using that freedom in the best interests of society. Part of that is having a clearly defined set of values to act sustainably.”
Dr. Dresel likes to emphasize how important it is for entrepreneurs to take responsibility and think for future generations.