Condensator Dominit

Industry overview

Industry vs. energy transition & consumption– our motto: Do the feasible now

A rapidly completed energy turnaround, with a stable energy supply and affordable kilowatt hours, is the challenge of our current decade.

Yes, it is a challenge for all of us … but first and foremost also an opportunity for society and industry.

It is precisely in order to efficiently and sustainably meet the ever-growing energy demands of modern industrial networks that our customers use the low-loss, high-performance, intelligent filter circuit and compensation solutions from Condensator Dominit GmbH.

We help you to do what is feasible… because we don’t just do it, we listen to you, analyse exactly. Then we reach into our voltage-optimizing power quality toolbox and deliver the best possible solution for you, both technically and economically.

Switchgear manufacturers - Electrical contractors - Plant planning service providers

Electrical contractors, switchgear manufacturers and plant planning service providers make up an important and large proportion of our very diversified clientele worldwide. Typical characteristics of these ‘Our partners in works and spirit’ are: exceptional specialist knowledge of energy or electrical engineering, rich in professional experience and always possess – through planning processes carried out by them – deep knowledge of the existing or soon to be developed energy network. Knowledge of network peculiarities, connected loads, lines and transformers, the respective contactors and main distributions … for planners, the master craftsman’s company and skilled workers no problem at first. However, even in the networks of our partners’ customers, norm-breaking and destabilising network reactions must be taken into account and filtered if necessary, even in the preliminary project phase by the electrical planner or in the continuous energy network support by electrical specialist companies or switchgear manufacturers. Every target group receives the necessary support from us in the area of power quality, in order to stand on a safe footing from the planning phase to the project planning phase to the continuous support phase of electrical power networks and the loads connected to them. Our partners benefit from the creation of DIgSILENT network simulations, voltage analyses including measurement reports, our competent engineering and after-sales service team as well as a thoroughly structured, standardised power quality product portfolio. This includes the modular GridClass®Mod product range, which was specially developed for switchgear manufacturers and electrical contractors. We supply – neutrally – the mains filter or compensation module and the installation or further added value remains with the switchgear manufacturer.

© Djoyotrue –

Renewable energies (Wind-Solar-H2)

The mix of renewable energy producers such as wind power, solar and hydrogen electrolysis will make us less dependent on fossil fuels in the coming years. However, renewable energy sources must not simply feed into the existing European interconnected grid. Why? Imagine two pianos on which two pianists want to play a duet together. Before the performance, the two instruments must also be tuned to each other – by a specialist – according to certain rules, so that a good-sounding duet is possible at all. The specialists from Condensator Dominit are your “piano tuners” for wind, solar or hydrogen electrolysis parks, in order to enable a standard-compliant feed-in of regenerative energies.

Automotive industry

 The power networks in the automotive industry are subject to high harmonic loads due to the many different loads such as robots, PCs, frequency converter-controlled pumps, ventilation systems, CNC processing machines, conveyor belts, cranes, electrical lifting equipment and the many other non-linear loads. These harmonics lead to a distortion of the 50 Hz AC sine wave, which causes problems at the equipment connected in the automotive plant. The effects range from malfunctions to the destruction of systems, equipment and safety devices due to overvoltages. Our patented SOFIA® filter circuit system provides a remedy here. In 2015, we did not simply develop it for an automobile manufacturer, but the systems have started a real triumphal procession through the worldwide automobile productions of all manufacturers.

© Nataliya Hora –
© Industrieblick –

Metal- & Steel industry

Especially in the metal & steel industry, there is always a high demand for power quality solutions due to the energy-intensive melting and refining processes, in order to significantly reduce the reactive current costs caused by operated loads, such as induction furnaces, with the help of capacitive capacitor dominance countercompensation. In addition, the number of non-linear loads operated in modern grids also increases the harmonic loads in the entire frequency range. Broadband filter circuit solutions on low and high voltage, with combined resonance damping, are now your low-loss solutions from our company to avert an impending grid collapse at an early stage.

Pharma- & Chemical industry

Typical large-scale complex processes are often found in the pharmaceutical & chemical industry. In order to carry out the chemical reactions, the energy-intensive processes require reactors such as electrolysis, pumps and pipe systems for transporting substances within a plant, apparatus for distillation, heating/heating, cooling, grinding, sieving, mixing, stirring, settling and much more. These naturally call in the internal energy network Voltage phenomena such as broadband harmonics, resonance bells, voltage dips and a high capacitive and inductive reactive power requirement. For each of these interference factors, we have a suitable tool in our Condensator Dominit toolbox to correct the distorted voltage – even arc-protected if required – into the normal range.

Food- & nutrition industry

In order to keep baking, cooling and production processes in this industrial sector as flexible as possible, agitators and grinders, conveyor belts, food packaging machines and virtually all equipment involved in the manufacturing process are operated by variable frequency inverter controls. The consequences for the energy network are – due to a professional installation carried out by us – reduced. Stress analysis – visible at an early stage before the grid collapses, because the rectangular current consumption of frequency converters in a sinusoidal AC voltage environment always results in destabilising grid feedback effects such as overtones in combination with supra-harmonic voltage distortions. The effects range from malfunctions to the destruction of systems, equipment and safety devices due to sudden overvoltages. For these voltage phenomena, you will find a mature product portfolio in our toolbox that moves your energy network back into the normal range without any problems thanks to the best performance with the lowest inherent losses.

Semiconductor industry

The semiconductor industry is known for its very sensitive manufacturing processes. The problem here is that even a slight Mains wiper in the upstream network – e.g. due to a lightning strike – can lead to a very cost-intensive loss of production. Voltage stabilization within a half-wave is our solution to constantly ensure a trouble-free production of semiconductors. In combination with Condensator Dominit filter circuit and compensation technologies, your network becomes “clean”, standard-compliant and continuously loadable.
© Leungchopan –

Coal, steel & building materials industry

Due to the large number of asynchronous motors in the network, mining & building materials industry has always had a high demand for compensating reactive current technology. Our 70 years of experience, the sought-after expertise of our PQ specialists, the professionally demand-oriented design as well as robust and low-loss construction combined with the latest PLC control technology are unique worldwide in the field of capacitive or inductive compensation system construction.

Wood & paper industry

The mechanical production of natural, MDF and particleboard as well as the production of paper have – from a manufacturing point of view – a few small similarities. The production plants themselves require a large number of frequency converter-controlled drive motors, non-linear consumers such as headbox pumps, compressors, etc. during the manufacturing process of their respective products. The consequences are networks with a high harmonic load and an additional demand for too much power, compensating reactive power. Before your equipment, plants as well as the corresponding control systems are damaged by incalculable Mains feedback such as harmonic oscillations, simply contact our engineering department., ‘the cardiologists for your energy network‘.
© Moreno Soppelsa –
© Thomas Haltinner –

Water supply & disposal companies

Water treatment and distribution are very energy-hungry processes, and up to 80 % of the energy used goes into the electric drives for pumps and fans. For this reason, today’s water supply and disposal companies use state-of-the-art drive-controlled pumps and fans to keep energy consumption as low and efficient as possible. The consequences are harmonics in the low and high frequency range. The rectangular current consumption of the drives used (frequency converters) in a sinusoidal AC voltage environment causes destabilising broadband mains feedback. In most cases, commercially available feed-through filters (such as EMC filters) are connected upstream of the drives, but their use – in comparison to a central filter measure – not only increases the total capacitive load (total power based on the respective filter concept) of the network, but also creates several resonance points (at different frequencies) in the network, which is associated with a massive risk of uncontrolled resonance oscillations, which subsequently lead to considerable production disruptions and even the destruction of systems, equipment and safety devices due to overvoltages.

Ship & yacht building industry

Ships are the most important means of transport of our time. Containers full of liquid gas, coffee beans, grain, and much more. A resilient supply chain requires a properly functioning transport fleet. But especially maritime island grids are heavily loaded by grid repercussions like harmonics and resonances due to the amount of non-linear loads like frequency inverter controlled propulsion systems. Due to the low short-circuit power of the island network, even low capacities are sufficient to cause so-called network resonances. Problem: The harmonics generated by the use of frequency converters can cause grid resonances to oscillate and the resulting high currents can cause major damage to consumers in the ship’s or yacht’s island grid. The high requirements of relevant standards with regard to harmonics already place great demands on the ship and yacht building industry in the planning phase. With the Condensator Dominit tools for network simulation and harmonic calculation, our engineering can already provide goal-oriented advice in your planning phase and recommend solutions from our PQ toolbox.